HARDmotion.com Reviews
HARDmotion.com Reviews around the web 2023
Is HARDmotion Legit? A question we sometimes get asked. Here are some of the answers to that question.
Below are some of the top review sites that are 3rd party that we work with. We continually strive to bring the best and most fair customer service to everyone. We are a semi small team of racing / tuning / modifying car people and we are constantly pushing for a top notch experience. We also active on facebook and maintain and run the largest 10th and 11th gen civic pages on facebook with around 100,000 members total.
If your experience was all 5 stars and 100%, we would love to hear from you. If we didnt hit all 5 stars / 100% on your service, please let us so we can earn that from you.
Also always be sure to read our FAQ page, which walks you through step by step how to shop with us and what to expect. We thank you again for taking the time to read this review page.

HARDmotion.com ResellerRatings = 4.97

Ebay = 100%

We currently have 105,000 followers (fans) on facebook.
You can find our HARDmotion FaceBook Page Here.

We currently have 42,000 fans on Instagram.
You can view and follow our instagram here.
Feel free to share photos of your ride with us.
We would love to stay connected with our customers.
We have another 3rd Party Company coming that will help promote our reviews even more as well we will have ability to upload photos and share right on our product pages. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us as we would love to help.